G.O Ms.No.84 Dated 17.04.2014 Contract Outsourcing Employees Service upto 30.06.2014

G.O Ms.No.84 Dated 17.04.2014. Contract Employees Service Continuation upto 30.06.2014. Outsourcing Employees Service Continued upto 30th June 2014. AP Govt Contract Employees Service Continuation Orders.
Personnel hired on Contract / Outsourcing - Further continuation of services of the contract and outsourcing personnel working in various Government Departments up to 30.06.2014 – Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (SMPC-II) DEPARTMENT, G.O. Ms. No. 84, Dated:17.04.2014

1.In addition to the recruitment of regular employees, Government has also been according permission to various departments for engaging personnel on contract/ outsourcing basis to meet the short-term manpower requirements in their establishments. Detailed instructions were issued in the G.O. first read above laying down certain norms relating to the appointment and the remuneration payable and other terms and conditions of contract and outsourcing.

2.As per the above instructions all departments are required to obtain approval of the Finance Department for engaging the services of any individual either on contract or outsourcing basis. As these arrangements are intended for meeting the short-term requirements, it is necessary to review the need for continuation of such personnel periodically. However, contrary to the above instructions certain departments have made engaged the services of individuals on contract and outsourcing basis without obtaining prior approval of the Finance Department and sometimes without following any due process and compliance with the Constitutional and statutory provisions.

3.Notwithstanding these shortcomings, the Government had issued a general order continuing the services of persons working on contractual and outsourcing on humanitarian considerations until March 31, 2014, vide Finance Department Circular Memo No.6522-A/417/A1/SMPC.II/2013, dt.13.09.2013. This extension was granted to all posts that were reviewed and cleared by the Finance department. However, the granted therein was not extended to the cases where the initial appointment was not done with the Finance department’ concurrence.

4.In the reference third cited, the Government of India has notified the Andhra Pradesh Re-organisation Act, 2014, which envisages bifurcation of the existing State of Andhra Pradesh into States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on the Appointed Day of June 02, 2014. As the new Governments of both the successor states may need some time to take a policy decision on further continuance of the services of persons working on contractual and outsourced basis and to avoid hardship to those working on contract / outsourced basis on March 31, 2014, the Government has decided to extend the services of all the existing persons working on contract / outsourced basis until June 30, 2014.
5.Accordingly, Government hereby order that the services of those persons working on contract / outsourced basis on March 31, 2014, with the prior approval of the Finance Department, is hereby extended upto June 30, 2014, subject to the following conditions:

i) The renewal of contract / outsourcing engagement for the period between April 01 and June 30, 2014 should be on the existing terms & conditions and no revision shall be done under any circumstance.

ii) This extension is limited to those working on March 31, 2014, in the posts and with the terms and conditions approved by the Finance Department.

iii) Instructions/guidelines of the Government with reference to outsourcing/ contract performance be followed scrupulously.

iv) These orders do not confer any right on any functionary for continuance after bifurcation of the state on June 02, 2014.

6. The actual number of employees, category wise and unit wise to be allocated to the successor states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh will be issued in due course in consultation with the Departments concerned.

7. All the Secretariat Departments shall collect the data relating to all the Heads of Departments and the autonomous institutions and other entities and prepare the lists for each state separately and furnish to this department latest by April 30, 2014. The information has to be furnished in the form of an excel sheet in the proforma enclosed and emailed to mpa1finance@gmail.com. 

8. All the Departments of Secretariat and all Heads of Departments are requested to take further necessary action
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