G.O.Ms.No.181 Dated:10.07.2012 Ban Imposed on Transfers of Employees

Government Of Andhra Pradesh, Public Services – Transfers and postings of employees – Ban on transfer of
employees – Orders – Issued.
Finance (DCM-III) Department, G.O.Ms.No.181  Dated:10.07.2012.

In the reference fourth, fifth and sixth cited above, orders were issued relaxing the ban on transfers for the period from 01.06.2012 to  10.07.2012 subject to following certain conditions laid down therein.
2. The Government after careful consideration hereby orders a ban on all transfers w.e.f.11.07.2012except in respect of the following cases:
i)  Posting orders to the employees on account of promotion shall be issued to the clear existing vacancies without shifting any other employees.
ii)  Posting orders to the employees due to disbandment  of posts, reversions, repatriations, deputations (on Foreign Service only), disciplinary proceedings and returning from long leave of more than three months shall
be issued in clear existing vacancies without shifting other employees.
3. The appointing authority is competent to issue posting orders in respect of the cases referred at para 2 above, without reference to Finance Department.
4. It is further ordered that no relaxation proposals shall be entertained by any department for a period of six months commencing from 11.07.2012. Thereafter, the Special Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries /Secretaries will review department wise, quarterly, the number of relaxations given within their departments and submit the same to Chief Secretary/Chief Minister for information. 
5. In respect of the existing vacancies to be filled for administrative efficiency, these shall be filled with persons who have completed oneyear of active service at present station duly submitting proper justification of theproposal for obtaining the concurrence of Finance Department. The administrative departments are advised not to entertain any proposal where the transfer is not justifiable for administrative efficiency.
6. It is also ordered that the transfer proposals which are cleared by G.A.(MC-I/SPF) Department, where six point formula is involved shall also be sent to Finance (DCM-III) Department for concurrence.
7. It is further ordered that the orders issued vide G.O first, second and third cited shall continue to be in force until further orders.
8. The treasury officers shall not admit the pay bills of the employees whose transfers are considered in deviation of the above orders.
9. All the Departments of Secretariat and Heads of  Departments shall follow the above orders scrupulously.
10. This order is available in the internet and can be accessed at the address http://www.goir.ap.gov.inand http://www.apfinance.ap.gov.in

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