AP 10th PRC Questionnaire

The State Government have been constituting Pay Revision Commissions regularly to evolve rational pay structure for their employees. The Government recently constituted Tenth Pay Revision Commission.Its terms of reference include evolution of principles which may govern the structure of emoluments and the
conditions of service taking into account the total packet of benefits available to the employees of the State Government, Local Bodies, Aided Institutions and Non-teaching staff of Universities.

The Pay packets for the Government employees include Basic Pay and compensatory Allowances. The main compensatory allowances are Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance. The Dearness Allowance compensates rise in the cost of living index which is being sanctioned
based on the increase in the twelve monthly moving  average of the All India Consumer Price Index for the Industrial Workers computed by the Labour Bureau, Simla. The House Rent Allowance compensates the expenditure incurred by the Government employees on Housing. The City Compensatory Allowance compensates higher cost of living index in cities. In additionthere are special allowances where the employees are supposed to perform special nature of duties including those working in interior places, unhealthy localities, hill areas, tribal areas etc. The Special Pays are sanctioned where the job requires  special skills or the job involves arduous nature of duties or for specific addition to work. It is pertinent to note that the
quantum of these Special pays and allowances shouldadequately compensate the extra duties or for the arduous nature of the job,  but at the same time they should not disturb the salary structure.

The successive Pay Revision Commissions evolved the pay structure of the employees after thoroughly reviewing the pay scales evolved by earlier Pay Revisions. An Anomalies/Regrouping Committee followed the 1986Pay Revision and Anomalies Committees followed the 1993, 1999, 2005 and 2010 Pay Revisions.

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