Education Fort Night from 1st June 2013 Guidelines and Activities, Circular No.355
It is a well known fact that enrollment of Children in Schools and their retention are important duties of the education department. For this purpose, education fortnight is being conducted every year. During the current year, the following activities are proposed in three phases.
I Phase: Before schools are reopened, teachers shall strive hard to conduct campaigning, canvassing and making the school ready for the children. The following activities are suggested from 1st to 11th June, 2013 i.e., prior to opening of schools.
School enrollment campaign
a) The list of all children in school going age (6-14 years) can be collected by the teachers from Anganwadi workers, village elders etc., and this will be the target list for the teachers to enroll all the children figuring in the list.
b) Anganwadis are the major source of data of the children in the school going age group. Teachers along with SMC members will visit all Anganwadi Centres and talk to the parents of the Anganwadi children to
explain the importance of the education, provisions of Right to Education Act and how the admission procedure is simplified in the school. They should given the admission instantaneously.
c) Habitation meetings should be conducted to motivate parents to admit children in the school using revenue department resources of beat of TOM TOM in all the locations of the village announcing the date of
school reopening and the facilities being provided in the schools.
d) Special focus activities shall be organized for educationally, socially backward children, such as Fisher folk, Tribals of agency area, Children of migrant families and minorities of slum areas for 100% enrollment.
e) Special attention with emphasis on girls enrollment by admitting them in all KGBVs. as per eligibility and age. Special enrollment drive shall be organized.
f) Visibility for school admission season should be brought out in the village through distribution of pamphlets, pasting of posters and wall writing etc., Runs and rallies, Kalajathas and various cultural activities suiting the local culture and appreciation shall be conducted in the villages bringing out the importance of the 100% enrollment, transition of children from class to class and continuing of education up to Xth class. Out of School Children (Late Bloomers)
a) Number of out of school children are undergoing special training in residential special training centers being managed by NGOs. All such Centers where out of school children are studying should be visited by the teachers verifying their academic standards. If they are qualified enough to join their regular school, these “late bloomers”shall be given befitting send-off in RSTCs, so that they would join the main school. In certain villages of some of the districts, it is observed that though children join the primary schools, but do not continue their education in higher classes. This may be because of the social customs, practices and also economic conditions. Teacher shall do counseling with all the parents especially parents of girl children and explain the importance of education and benefits the education would give in the long run. Some success stories wherein through education poverty was overcome should also be explained. Similarly some of the academic achievements of the children of the same village can also be shown practically.
b) Schools Ready:
All school have to be made attractive and at the same time, every school has to follow the RTE compliance, teachers should ensure that all schools are painted before schools reopen. Each class roomshall be given proper sign board showing Vth Class room, VIth Class room, HM Room etc.,
Any minor repair to school building shall be taken out of the maintenance grant available in the School. Similarly cleaning of drinking water tanks and hand pump repairs shall also be taken up. Toilets and drainage
system shall be kept in good condition. The play ground shall be demarcated visibly. Similarly cycle stand shall also be demarcated with sign board. If any repairs to compound wall or fencing are required, it can also be taken up out of maintenance grant. Class room shall be kept in clean and good condition by white washing, displaying posters available in the schools. All the waste material available in the school including old text books wherever syllabus changed should be disposed off. Class rooms made very attractive for the children to come to the school with keen interest. Schools will be reopened by 12th June, 2013.
II Phase:
(From 12th June to 20th June, 2013)
After schools are reopened, the following activities shall be taken up as a part of education fortnight.
1. Samoohika Aksharabhyasam Day: (12-06-2013)
On the first day after schools reopen with all the new children whoever joined, there shall be a ceremony of “Aksharabhyasam” in the school. All parents and village elders shall be called for thisceremony and there shall be festive atmosphere in the school.
2. Right to Education Day: (13-06-2013)
• Uniforms should be distributed to all the children. Teacher should ensure that uniforms are of good quality and stitched as per the size of the children.
• New Text Books should be distributed to all the children and the concept in that new Text Books should be briefed to the all the children and parents.
3. Telugu Bhasha Vikasa Dinotsavam: (14-06-2013)
Campaign on the importance & Significance of Telugu Language. All the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) & District Educational Officers shall be invited Telugu Language Pandits to felicitate them. And all the HMs shall be identified the children of their respective schools who performed well in Reading and Writing Skills in Telugu Language shall be appreciated with Certificate and Prize.
4. Girl Child Education Day: (15-06-2013)
• Awareness campaign on benefits of education for thegirl child and the facilities available for the girl child: CDPOs, Supervisors, AWWs of Women and Child Welfare Department shall make arrangements for
distribution of scholarships, GCP certificates and conduct of awareness campaign on the benefits of girl children.
5. Quality Education Day: (17-06-2013)
• Class readiness programme for the children going tothe higher classes should be organized wherein language skills acquired by in earlier classes will be recapitulated.
• The children joining the first class shall be welcomed with Candies, Balloons, Cultural activities and other school readiness activities. Cultural functions can be conducted to entertain the new comers so that they will start carry to the school with joy and enthusiasm.
• Huge TLM (Teaching Learning Material) which alreadyprepared by the Teacher, existing library books. Sports and Gam es material should be displayed and Children should be taken around tosee the display.
So that they develop interest in book reading, sports and other activities on the coming academic year.
• On school reopening every student shall be asked towrite their goals and vision in their diaries, which they would like to achieve in the coming academic year.
• The academic calendar for the academic year shall also briefed to the children and also to the parents. The new inclusionin the academic calendar like sports and games, moral education, Meena Radio will be
explained to the parents.
• The academic calendar, which prescribed at State level can be followed by every school and the syllabus can be thought as per the academic calendar.
• Accordingly, the periods, Time Table may be prepared & Display at Class room from 1st Class to X Class.
• The Moral lessons, sports and game, Cultural activities shall also be incorporated in the Time table. A review on the progress made by the children and Teaching on Quality shall be the main agenda for the
SMC meetings.
6. Teachers, Parents & SMC Day: (18-06-2013)
General body meeting of the school shall be convened inviting all the parents who are members of the General body and the SMC (School Management Committee) will be formed by electing one of the parent as the Chairman. The detailed guidelines are under issue.
7. Mid Day Meals Day: (19-06-2013)
• A workshop will be organised to the Mid Day Meal workers at mandal level to explain the nutrition value of foodand right way of cooking to protect available vitamins and minerals. HMs shall also explain about the quantity of the food grains, pulses, vegetables, oils being made available to every child under Mid Day Meal Programme. The entitlement of food grains will also be explained to the parents
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