AP State Govt Medical Reimbursement. Medical Reimbursement Application Form. Medical Reimbursement Form. Medical Reimbursement Certificates. Proposals Form. Medical Reimbursement G.Os
Rc.No.8878/ (D3-4) MB1.2010 Dated: 12-10-2010
Sub: - School Education Department – Medical Attendance – Medical Reimbursement proposals in respect of Teachers/HM’s and other Employees of Educati on Department – certain Instructi ons – Regarding.
Read: 1.Procs.Rc.No.8878/D3-4/2009,dated:02.09.2009
2. Procs.Rc.No.8878/D3-4/2009,dated:28.01.2010
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The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the reference read above. They are request to issue suitable to instructions to the Forwarding Officers/Drawing and Disbursement Officers under their control to follow the instructions given here under and also the instructions issued in the reference read above.
The following Officer should arrange and to submit the proposal in the following order serially.
1. Forwarding Letter
2. Applications Requisition of individual with date
3. Check list duly attested by the Forwarding Officer
4. Appendiw-II duly signed by the Employee/Pensioner and attested by the Forwarding Officer
5. Non-Drawal Certificate in Prescribed proforma as communicated vide reference read above
6. Dependent Certificate as required in prescribed proforma which as communicated vide reference read above with Forwarding Officer signature
7. P.P.O.(Pension Payment Order) copy in case of pensioner/family pensioner attested by the Forwarding Authority
8. In case of accident cases and treatment taken in un-recognized hospitals under emergency, FIR should be submitted
9. For every follow up treatment for post operative cases and who requires lifelong treatments, revalidation of prescription once in six month from special Government Doctor attested by Forwarding Officer
10. Legal Heir Certif icate should be submitted in case of death of the Teachers/Pensioners/Dependents duly attested by the Forwarding Authority
11.A copy of proceedings Issued by the Director of Medical Education for recognition of the hospital
12. Emergency Certificate/O.P in original duly signed with stamped by the treating doctor attested by Forwarding Officer
13. Essentiality Certificate in original duly signed with stamped by the treating doctor attested by Forwarding Officer
14. Discharge Summery/Discharge Memo.(OP card in respect of OP treatment) in original duly signed with stamped by the treating Doctor attested by Forwarding Officer
15. Abstract of Bills (All original Medical Bills should be signed with stamp by the treating Doctor)
attested by Forwarding Officer.
16. Detail s proposal along with justification/need in case of claims where relaxation of rules in involved
Further, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to direct all the Drawing and Disbursement Officers in their instructions to furnish to the proposal in triplicate to the Commissioner and Director of School Education (Original plus Two (2) sets of Xerox copies should be attested by the Forwarding Authori ty including Medical Bills). One set of Xerox copies of Bills shall, invariably, be kept with the Forwarding Officer even after the disposal of the claim.
Separate proposal for the treatment obtained at NIMS/SVIMS/RIMS and other private recognized hospitals shall be submitted.
They are further requested to arrange the proposal in the above order only serially numbered
All the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the
concerned Drawing and Disbursement Officers under their instructions issued by the Commissioner and Director of School strictly and submit the proposals accordingly . Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously and necessary disciplinary action will be initiated against them as per CCA Rules 1991. The concer ned Forwarding Authorities/ Drawing and Disbursement Officers are personally held responsible for fake and fabricated bills and misappropriation of public funds.
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