AP 10th Class (SSC) New Text Books Syllabus 2014-2015

Tenth Class 10th Class New Text Books 2014-2015. SSC New Text Books 2014-2015. AP govt New Syllabus for 10th Class(SSC) 2014. Download AP Govt SSC 10th class New Text Book/Syllabus of Telugu, English, Hindi, Maths, PS, NS, and SS
Board of Secondary Education, Govt of Andhra Pradesh has published New Syllabus/New Text Books for all the subjects of SSC/10th class for the academic year 2014-2015. Medium wise new text books for Telugu, English, Hindi, Maths, PS, NS, and SS have already been published and can be accessed online. These books are distributed free of cost for all the students who are studying in Govt and Govt Aided Schools in Andhra Pradesh. New Text books will be reaching to MRCs (Mandal Resource Centers) on or before June 1st 2014. New text books are prepared according to the CCE Model for the next academic year.
Click HERE to download the text books



  1. telugu was not opening

  2. please keep telugu medium books

  3. Sir please send me 10th new textbooks

  4. We are not getting proper answers

  5. hindi is also not opening

  6. to download it is getting late
