Rc.No.8 Dated 19.06.2014. Inclusion of 8th Class in 2441 UP Schools

Rc.No.8 Dated 19.06.2014. Inclusion of 8th Class in 2441 UP Schools. District wise List of Schools for 8th Class.
Subject: Primary Education, Right of children to free and compulsory education rules-inclusion of 8th class in upper primary schools to have eight year of elementary cycle in the state from the academic year 2014-2015-orders issued.
Ref: 1. Lr.No.170/RVM(SSA)/C2(B7)/2010, dt:13-06-2014 of the SPD, RVM(SSA) Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
2. G.O.Ms.No.55, SE(PE-SSA), Dept., dated: 05.07.2012

In the letter 1st cited the State Project Director, RVM Andhra Pradesh while reiterating the provisions of Right to Education Act 2009 has informed that there are 3869 UP schools, which do not have VIII class in Andhra Pradesh State as per DISE September 2013. Out of these 3869 UP schools 2441 schools have the strength above 20 in classes VI and VII.

The SPD has further stated that the Right to Education norms does not specify the minimum number of children required in classes VI and VII for opening of VIII class in the same school to complete the Elementary Education Cycle. Thus, the 2441 UP schools have to be considered for opening of VIII class so as to enable the children to complete the elementary cycle in the state taking 20 students as economically viable strength.

Further, as reported by the SPD, RVM there will be no additional requirement of teachers if VIII class is opened and in Annual Work Plan and Budget of SSA for the year 2014-15 additional class rooms were sanctioned to all those 2441 UP schools in Andhra Pradesh State. Consequently, there is no additional financial commitment involved in this regard.

In view of the above circumstances and after examination of the proposal of the SPD, RVM in terms of the guide lines issued in the GO 2nd read above the Commissioner School Education is hereby accord permission to include VIII class in 2441 UP Schools in all districts of Andhra Pradesh Sate from the academic year 2014-15. The list of the UP schools proposed for inclusion of class VIII in 2441 UP Schools in AP State from this academic year 2014-15

District wise Schools
East Godavari-184
West Godavari-155
Total 2441