TNTET 2013 Paper 2 Cut Off Marks for B.T.Assistants Recruitment 2014

TNTET 2013 Paper 2 Cut Off Marks. TNTRB B.T.Assistants Cut Off Marks. Subject wise TNTET 2013 Paper 2 Cut Off Marks.TNTET 2013 OC, BC, BCM, MBC, SC, SCA, ST Paper 2 Cut Off Marks 2014

TNTET Paper 2 Cut Off Marks for OC, General, BC, BCM, MBC, SC, SCA, ST has been calculated and published. Earlier TNTRB (Teachers recruitment board, Govt of Tamilnadu) has published B.T Assistants direct recruitment notification for Backlog and Current vacancies. Expected subject wise TNTET 2013 Paper 2 cut off marks are as follows for Tamil, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, History and Geography are as follows
Subject wise B.T Assistants Backlog Vacancies: Tamil-261, English-253, Maths-381, Physics-133, Chemistry-185, Botany-22, Zoology-25, History-141, Geography-9.
Subject wise B.T Assistants Current Vacancies: Tamil-511, English-2569, Maths-530, Physics-454,
Chemistry-402, Botany-229, Zoology-226, History-3451, Geography-890

TNTET 2013 Paper 2 Cut Off Marks for B.T Assistants Recruitment

The above picture shows an expected cut off only. Its not official. It was calculated based on the weightage.

TNTET Paper 2 B.T Assistants Direct Recruitment Notification
TNTET Weightage G.O 71
TNTET 2013 Paper 1 Paper 2 Marks