Kerala HSE March 2015 Exams Notification Registration

Kerala HSE March 2015 Exams Notification Registration. Kerala Higher Secondary Exams March 2015 Notification/Guidelines. Kerala HSE March 2015 Registration

Kerala HSE March 2015 Exams Notification Registration

HSE 2015 Exams Notification. Kerala HSE March 2015 Time Table. Kerala Higher Secondary Time Table March 2015.

Sub:- Higher Secondary Examinations, 2015 – reg.
Ref:- 1. G.O.(MS) No.140/08 G.Edn. dated 18/08/2008
2. G.O.(MS) No.180/08 G.Edn. dated 30/10/2008
3. G.O.(MS) No.40/2011/G.Edn.dated 16/02/2011
4. G.O.(Rt) No.5441/2012/G.Edn. dated, 15.11.2012
5. G.O.(Rt) No. 5455/2012/G.Edn. dated, 16.11.2012
The Board of Higher Secondary Examinations, Kerala shall conduct the following Examinations in 2015.
I. Second Year Higher Secondary Examination, March 2015
II. First Year Higher Secondary Examination, March 2015
III. Second Year Higher Secondary SAY/Improvement Examination, May/June 2015
IV. First Year Higher Secondary Improvement/Supplementary Examination, Aug/Sept. 2015.

Guidelines regarding submission of Application for Registration

(i) School going regular candidates can register for the Higher Secondary Examination by remitting the prescribed fee at the school office before the last date prescribed for the same. School going regular candidates need not submit any specific application for registering for the Examination.
(ii) Open School (Regular and Private) and Compartmental Candidates shall submit application for registering for the Higher Secondary Examination in the prescribed format before the last date prescribed for the same.
(iii) Candidates who register for the Second Year SAY / Improvement Examination and First Year Improvement / Supplementary Examination shall submit application for registering for the Examination in the prescribed format before the last date prescribed for the same
(iv) Application forms can be had from the school office. The same can also be downloaded from the DHSE portal The format of the application form is provided in Appendix – 32.
(v) Open School candidates shall submit the application to the Principal of the centre allotted to them.
(vi) Compartmental candidates shall submit the applications to the Principal of the Parent School.
(vii) Candidates who appeared for Higher Secondary Examination previously in sub centers or in clubbed centers should submit application in the main centre.


(viii) No change of center shall be allowed.
(ix) Applications submitted after the last date shall be rejected.
(x) Candidates should not send applications directly to the Directorate.
(xi) A passport size photograph shall be pasted in the space provided in the application form. The photograph shall be attested by the concerned school Principal.
(xii) Open School candidates shall submit their applications for Higher Secondary Examinations in the prescribed form along with the Private Registration Memo/Attested copy of identity card issued by the Kerala State Open School, remitting the prescribed fees to the Principal of the School which is assigned as their Examination centre by the Open School authorities.
(xiii) All Open School candidates registering for the Second Year Higher Secondary Examination shall submit self-attested copy of the score sheet of the First Year Higher Secondary Examination.
(xiv) Compartmental candidates shall submit self-attested copies of score sheets / Certificates, of all previous appearances in the First / Second Year Higher Secondary Examinations along with the application.
(xv) School going candidates shall register for the Higher Secondary Examination only for the subjects sanctioned by the Higher Secondary Directorate, in the school.
(xvi) Candidates registering for the Second Year Higher Secondary Examination shall register only for those subjects for which they appeared for the First Year Higher Secondary Examination. No change of the subject combination will be permitted during Second Year.
(xvii) Open School candidates shall register for the Higher Secondary Examination only for the subjects recorded in the open school registration memo.
(xviii) Candidates who have not undergone Continuous Evaluation / have not secured minimum percentage of attendance / have not been issued order sanctioning condonation of shortage of attendance will not be allowed to appear for the Higher Secondary Examination even if they register for the same.
(xix) The prescribed fee for the Examination shall be remitted to the School before the last date. The School Principal will remit the same to the treasury and obtain the remittance chalan. The amount once remitted as Examination fees will not be refunded or adjusted against the fee for a subsequent Examination on any account

Download Kerala HSE March 2015 Exams Notification for more information 

Kerala HSE March 2015


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