Proc. Rc. No. 211 /RVM(SSA)/B13/2011, Dated: 16.7.2012.
Sub: AP,RVM(SSA) – Implementation of “Meena Prapancham”(A Radio Programme) for 6th,7th& 8thclass children from 15.8.2012 onwards and organisation of Training of Teachers at District level – Instructions issued - Reg
All the Project officers of RVM (SSA) and District Education Officers in the state are here by informed that, it is proposed to implement the Radio Programme “Meena Prapancham” for 6th,7th& 8th class children from 15.8.2012 onwards. In this regard a one day teacher training to 6th, 7th, & 8th handling Teachers of Upper
Primary, High Schools, Secondary High Schools, Municipal Schools and Kasturi Bha Gandhi Balika Vidyalayalu (KGBV). The teacher training programme shall be start from 2nd August 2012 in 5 to 6 spells @ one day per each spell. Therefore the Project Officers are requested to make arrangements to conduct
the teacher training programme @ two teachers handling classes of 6th, 7th, & 8th from Upper Primary, High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools and Municipal Schools. The training programme may be conducted at divisional level or earstwhile block level where facilities are available and identify sufficient training centres as per no. of schools available in districts and also identify MEOs or School Complex Head
Masters as course coordinators. The Project Officers are informed to follow the instructions as mentioned here under Instructions shall be given to all UP schools/ Higher Secondary Schools HM to procure 2 pieces Radios of branded @ Rs. 750/- to Rs. 950/- from school grant immediately. Identify a local Resource Persons to support TOT trained Resource Persons and both should form a batch to conduct the Training. Prepare Mandal wise list of Schools having 6th, 7th& 8th Classes or any of the classes
Select at least two teachers, if possible one teacher per class with the consent of the Head Master or MEO. Priority shall be given to the class teachers of the respective classes. Prepare batch wise list of teachers as per the format enclosed with a minimum strength of 40 and maximum 45 Organize half day planning meeting with district resource persons (TOTs trained by SSA/ Unicef). List is enclosed. Plan details of the dates, venues and other logistical support required for organizing the trainings. Communication to the teachers with details of training dates &venues and granting necessary administrative permissions to attend the training
Provide following materials to each of the participants at the training venue. SSA will supply the materials to the DPOs by 30/07/2012
I. Teacher Guide Book-Upadyaya Karadeepika
II. Teacher Ready Reckoner-Upadyaya Margadarshini
III. Poster
IV. Broadcast Schedule- Vishayamsala Pattika
Submission of Plans to Distance Education Coordinator-SSA by 28/07/2012
Minimum Logistical support required
I. White Board & Markers
II. Chart Papers & Sketch Pens
III. Two CD players
IV. White papers
V. Note Pad & Pens
Training Details
Training shall start at 9.30 AM and End By 5.30 PM.
Ensure the participants reach the venue by 9 AM
A detailed training Agenda is enclosed
All the trainings will be concluded by 10/08/2012.
T.A and D.A to the participants and T.A, D.A and Honorarium to Resource Persons may be paid as per Divisional Level Teacher Training norms. The advance amount to conduct the programme may be released to course coordinator well in advance.
This has got the approval of the State Project Director.
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