Public Services – Equivalence of Degree – M.Com. (Financial Management), M.Com. (Bank Management), M.Com. (Computer Application), B.Com.(Applied), B.Com. (Bank Management), and B.Com. (Computer
Application) awarded by Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli as equivalent to M.Com. and B.Com. degrees respectively – Recommendation of Equivalence Committee –Orders – issued.
HIGHER EDUCATION (K2) DEPARTMENT, G.O.(Ms.) No.30 Dated: 04.03.2013
In the reference fifth read above, the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has forwarded the following resolution passed by the 38th Equivalence Committee meeting held on 04.01.2013 for the purpose of appointments in Public Service in which the Resolution No.8, the Equivalence Committee has resolved to recommend as follows
1 M.Com., (Financial Management) M.Com.,
2 M.Com., (Bank Management) M.Com.,
As equivalent to M.Com
M.Com.,(Computer Application) M.Com.,
4 B.Com., (Applied) B.Com.,
5 B.Com (Bank Management) B.Com.,
6 B.Com (Computer Application) B.Com.,
As equivalent to B.Com
The Government after careful consideration have decided to accept the above recommendation of the Equivalence Committee and accordingly direct that the M.Com. (Financial Management), M.Com. (Bank Management), M.Com. (Computer Application), B.Com.(Applied), B.Com. (Bank Management), B.Com. (Computer Application) awarded by Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli be considered as equivalent to M.Com. and B.Com. degrees respectively for the purpose of employment in Public Services.
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