AP New Excise Policy & Liquor Licence Fees for 2015-2017 G.O Ms.No.216 Dated 22.06.2017

AP New Excise Policy 2015-2017. AP Liquor Shops Licence Fees 2015-2017. AP Liquor Licence Fee. G.O.Ms.No.216 Dated 22.06.2015

AP Excise Department has released New Excise Policy 2015-2017 and Liquor Licence Fee Guidelines for 2015-2017 through G.O.Ms.No.216 Dated 22.06.2015 and G.O.Ms.No.217 Dated 22.06.2015

Prohibition and Excise - Andhra Pradesh Excise (Grant of licence of selling by shop and conditions of licence) Rules, 2012 – Annual Licence fee in respect of A4 shops for the years 2015-16 and 2016-17 i.e, from 01.07.2015 to 30.06.2016 and from 01.07.2016 to 30.06.2017 - Orders- issued

REVENUE (EXCISE-II) DEPARTMENT, G.O.Ms.No.216 Dated:22.06.2015
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms No.392, Rev (Ex.II) Dept, dated: 18.06.2012.
2. G.O.Ms. No.358, Rev (Ex.II) Dept, dated: 22.06.2013
3. G.O.Ms No.265, Rev (Ex.II) Dept, dated: 22.06.2014.
4. From the Commissioner of Prohibition & Excise, Hyderabad Letters Cr No. 999/2015/CPE/E3, dated. 18.05.2015 and 20.05.2015.

The following notification will be published in an Extra-ordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated 22nd June 2015.


In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-rule (1) of Rule 16 of the Andhra Pradesh Excise (Grant of license of selling by shop and conditions of License) Rules, 2012, the Government hereby notify the following annual licence fee of shops ( Form A-4 licences) for the years 2015-16 and 2016-17 as indicated in the annexure to this order.


Privilege by shop for the sale of Indian Made Foreign Liquor and Foreign Liquor:
  • a) Rs. 30,00,000 (Rupees thirty lakhs only) per year in places where the population of the Village, Town does not exceed 5,000
  • Rs. 34,00,000 (Rupees thirty four lakhs  only) per year in places where the population of the Village, Town is above 5,000 but upto 10,000
  • Rs. 37,00,000 (Rupees thirty seven lakhs only) per year in places where the population of the Village, Town, Municipality is above10,000 to but upto 25,000.
  • Rs.40,00,000 (Rupees forty lakhs only) per year in places where the population of Village, Town, Municipality is above 25,000 but upto 50,000
  • Rs.45,00,000 (Rupees forty five lakhs only) per year in places where the population of Village, Town, Municipality and Municipal Corporation is above 50,000 but upto 3,00,000.
  • Rs.50,00,000 (Rupees fifty lakhs only) per year in places where the population of Municipality/Municipal Corporation is above 3,00,000 but upto 5,000,000.
  • Rs.65,00,000 (Rupees sixty five lakhs only) per year in places where the population of Municipal Corporation is above  5,000,000
  •  Provided that the licence fee in respect of a shop situated in a village/town, any part of which is within a belt of 5 km from the periphery of a Municipal Corporation measured in a straight line on the horizontal plane, shall also be at the rate of license fee of a shop situated within the limits of such Municipal Corporation.
  • Provided further that the license fee in respect of a shop situated in a village/town, any part of which is within a belt of 2 km from the periphery of Municipalities, measured in a straight line on the horizontal plane, shall also be at the rate of license fee of a shop situated within the limits of such Municipalities
  • Provided also that the license fee in respect of a shop situated in a village/town, any part of which, is within a belt of 1 km from the periphery of Nagar Panchayats / Major Panchayats, measured in a straight line on the horizontal plane shall also be at the rate of license fee of a shop situated within the limits of such Nagar Panchayats / Major Panchayats.
  • Provided also where the shop falls within the belt area of a Municipal Corporation as well as a Municipality, the license fee payable shall be the fee applicable to the shop situated in the belt area of the Municipal Corporation

AP Excise Department has released New Excise Policy and Liquor Licence Fee Guidelines for 2015-2017. Download  G.O.Ms.No.216 Dated 22.06.2015 for more information.

G.O.Ms.No.216 Dated 22.06.2015

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