TS Teachers Transfers Application Form http://www.aponline.gov.in/TeacherTransfers/TSMainPage.aspx

TS Teachers Transfers Application Form. Telangana Teachers Transfers Application Form. AP Online Transfers Application Form. TS Teachers Transfers Online Application. http://www.aponline.gov.in/TeacherTransfers/TSMainPage.aspx

TS Teachers Transfers Application Form Online

TS Teachers Transfers Application Form is released online. Telangana Teachers can apply online for Transfers from AP Online website. Today the TS Govt has released TS Teachers Transfers Application Form on the AP Online website http://www.aponline.gov.in/TeacherTransfers/TSMainPage.aspx. TS Teachers need to open the Transfers Website in Internet Explorer and need to enter the following details.

2.Zonal Code:
4.Surname of the teacher;
5.Name of the individual seeking transfer:
6.Employee Treasury Code/ID number:
7.Date of Birth:
9.Marital Status:
10.Category of the Post:
12.Medium of school:
13.Management of the School:
14.Working in Plain Area/Agency Area:
15.School Type:
16.Name of the school:
17.School Code:
18.Category Of the School
19.Whether the individual has completed 8 years of service/5 years of service:
20. Date from which the individual is working in the present School :
21.Whether the Individual is male Headmaster Grade 2/Teacher aged below 50 years as on 1st July, 2015 of the year and working in Girls High School
22.Whether the Teacher was transferred During 2013 and not relieved now due to shifting of post in Rationalization :
23.Are you Identified as surplus under Rationalization
24. Date of First Appointment in service:
25. Whether he/she is President or General Secretary of the District/State of the Association given OD Facility:
26. Whether spouse is employee of State Govt/Central Govt/Public Sector Undertaking/Local body / Aided Institution in the same district(in the same zone for Gazetted Head Master, Grade 2 in Govt Schools ):
27.Whether the teacher availed the benefit under spouse category during the last 8 years as on 1st July 2015:
28.Whether the Head Master Grade 2 / Teacher is working as NCC officer

29.Performance Parameters
A.The Teachers who have you got National or State award issued by the Central/State Government :
B. Percentage of Results in SSC Public Exams in the Subject the Teacher has taught last year academic year (Overall % for HM of High School):
C. Whether the Teacher worked has Resource Person for at least 3 Trainee Programs Under S.S.A. (or) R.M.S.A. During Last 3 Years

Name of the Program and Year:
30 . Whether the individual availed the benefit under Preferential category during the last 8 years as on 01-July-2015
31. Whether the individual wants to claim under Preferential category (yes/No)
32.Mobile Number of the teacher

Candidates belonging to special categories need to submit relevant documents along with Transfers application form to the MEOs/Grade 2 HMs/DEOs

Click for Telangana Teachers Transfers Online Application Form

TS Teachers Transfers Application Form

Telangana Teachers Transfers 2015

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